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10 Best Small Business Blogs. Hands Down.

There’s a problem that nearly all of us have in 2016. Content. There’s too much of it.

Apple is Doomed and 7 Other Myths About the Company

Yes, Apple under Tim Cook is different from the Apple of Steve Jobs

Content Systems are Killing Creativity

The rapid growth of AI and conversational interfaces has changed consumer expectations.

Do Designers Exploit the Poor While Trying to Do Good?

Who is the best poised to bring innovation to the developing world?

Facebook Needs a Public Editor

If Facebook is going to decide what we can see, then it has a moral responsibility to its

How Banks Transform Culture with Hackathons

Hackathons are proving to be an excellent way to move today's bank toward

How Red Bull Takes Content Marketing to the Extreme

Red bull is a publishing empire that happens to sell a beverage.

The Ad Agency of the Future is Coming. Are You Ready?

Clients today want one partner to simplify the fragmentation and

The Marketing Genius Behind Snapchat’s Name Change.

When a company makes a major change to its brand or image, any number of things can happen

Tired of Online Haters? Instagram Now Has DeleteGram

The social network receives over a million reports of abuse a week